Welcome to “THE CITY NEWS” – a leading media portal for India “THE CITY NEWS” is also one of the fastest growing News Portal with the aim of reaching millions of Indians in India and non resident Indian of the world who are eager to stay in touch with Indian based news and stories in Hindi and English because of the varied contents presented in our website.
“THE CITY NEWS” was established in the year 2002 in Mumbai. We cover developments in India and rest of the world through its well established news network and as syndicated news content sources. The highly competent editorial staff of www.thecitynews.in works meticulously to ensure that the information being delivered to the readers is completed in all respects and presents the true picture of the various events and happenings.
“THE CITY NEWS” website (http://www.thecitynews.in) offers access to top news in Politics, Business and Sport, as well as celebrities’ news including Bollywood. The site attracts an audience of news-seeking visitors from across India and abroad . Our portal also provide space to our readers and discuss their thoughts among the different people of the world with different cast and creed.
“THE CITY NEWS” is not associated with any Association or organization or group. “THE CITY NEWS” strives to provide customized, local content that influences your lives in different parts of the world. We plan to add more modules for discussion, forums blogs and self directed content creation and distribution.
“THE CITY NEWS” believe in the ethics of journalism by serving the fresh news with absolute authenticity and commitment. We feel it is our duty to serve news. Our resource persons are prompt in responding to any event by collecting authentic data. Personal interviews of concerned people of that event or incident reinforce the fabric of the information not to say our questionnaires are very yielding. We are updating the content of “THE CITY NEWS” promptly and regularly keeping in mind to the net users. “THE CITY NEWS” news portal has been designed in the most convenient manner so as to locate the desired news instantly. Today “THE CITY NEWS” is becoming the popular internet media web portal. We would love to receive stories, poems, recipes, Photo, News, Videos etc. from you. (We accept contents in both English & Hindi).
We would welcome your feedback. Let us know if you have any comments, questions or suggestions: Please contact us on; email: thecitynews.in@gmail.com thecitynews2002@gmail.com
Thank you.
Pramod Shyamacharan Pandey
Managing Director